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Additional Support

We're committed to helping all our customers

What kind of additional Support do you need?

We understand that you may require extra support and we have a team committed in helping our customers whether it's on a short term or long-term basis

Here are some ways we may be able to support you;

Changing your payment date

To change your payment date, click here then from the menu select changing my details

Cancelling your Credit Agreement

To cancel your Agreement, click here then from the menu select cancelling my Agreement

I have missed a repayment and need to make a payment

To make a payment, click here then from the menu select make a payment

Questions about your Credit Agreement

Get answers to your questions here

Help with Accessibility

I would like to change the format you communicate to me:

If you need any information, we normally send you in an alternative format, for example, Braille, large print or Colour paper, we can provide this. please email here


I have difficulty hearing or speaking, how can I contact you:

If you have difficulty hearing or speaking, you can use Relay UK to communicate with us


Other accessibility needs:

Please call us if you have any other accessibility needs which you require our support with:

  • If you are a Personal customer (i.e. not a business) and are paying for a service that may include car insurance, home insurance, pet insurance, a golf membership, a football season ticket or something similar it's 0344 7369820
  • If you are a Commercial customer(i.e. you are a business) and are paying for a service that may include public liability, fleet insurance, FCA fees or something similar it's 0344 7360539
  • If you are a repaying school fees it's 0330 1239720
Authorising someone to discuss your Credit Agreement on your behalf

We understand that circumstances could change that may impact your ability to continue your Credit Agreement or communicate with us.

If you need additional support and would like someone else to communicate with us about your Credit Agreement on your behalf, with your permission, we can add the authorised person to your record.

To do this:

Email us with the following details of the person you would like to add as a contact:

  • Their full name
  • Their date of birth
  • Their contact number

Financial difficulty

If money is a bit of a struggle for you at the moment, you’re not alone, we are here to help.

Whilst the support we can offer depend on your circumstances and the period of time you are likely to require help, we suggest you contact us so we can discuss the options available to you.

Please get in contact to discuss your circumstances on the details below:

Call us:

If you are a Personal customer (i.e. not a business) and are paying for a service that may include car insurance, home insurance, pet insurance, a golf membership, a football season ticket or something similar call 0344 7369820

If you are a Commercial customer (i.e. you are a business) and are paying for a service that may include public liability, fleet insurance, FCA fees or something similar call 0344 7360539

If you are a repaying school fees call 0330 1239720


Other Financial Support


Advice on debt problems


StepChange offers advice on how to deal with your debt issues.


Based on your circumstances, you’ll be recommended the best option for you moving forward and get support through to the resolution.

Phone - 0800 138 1111

Website -

Other support

If you need additional support with your Credit Agreement due to:

  • Mental health
  • Addictions
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Bereavement
  • Anything else

We are here to help you, please contact us via email here or call us on

  • If you are a Personal customer (i.e. not a business) and are paying for a service that may include car insurance, home insurance, pet insurance, a golf membership, a football season ticket or something similar it's 0344 7369820
  • If you are a Commercial customer (i.e. you are a business) and are paying for a service that may include public liability, fleet insurance, FCA fees or something similar it's 0344 7360539
  • If you are a repaying school fees it's 0330 1239720

Personal support

  • Mind offers free and confidential mental health information and advice
  • Samaritans are available to talk to you any time you like, in your own way, and off the record about whatever’s worrying you
  • Relate offers counselling and support services for couples, families, and young people
  • If you're experiencing domestic abuse, talk to the National Helpline