To discuss cancelling your credit agreement please contact us by calling us on 0344 736 0539.
Premium Credit never charges a cancellation fee for cancelling a credit agreement. You will need to check with your broker if there is a fee applied by them for cancelling your service with them.
The credit agreement will only be cancelled in certain circumstances. If you believe that an agreement is active when it should be cancelled, please then let us know by calling us on 0344 736 0539.
Premium Credit collect monthly payments under terms you have agreed with your broker. Premium Credit is not authorised to process refunds of collected payments unless instructed to do so by your broker. If you believe that a refund may be due to you, please contact your broker to discuss this.
If Premium Credit have been instructed to refund a payment back to you, this will be issued in three to five working days.
Cancelling a Direct Debit will not always cancel a credit agreement and may result in a default charge for missed payments.
Sometimes a default letter is sent before we receive a request to cancel an agreement. If you would like to confirm that the agreement is cancelled, then let us know by calling us on 0344 736 0539.
Sometimes a default letter is sent before we receive a request to cancel an agreement. If you would like to confirm that the agreement is cancelled please then let us know by calling us on 0344 736 0539.
Please note that if you change your account details online, it can take up to 5 working days for the new account details to be applied to your agreement. If your payment is due in the subsequent 3 - 5 working days, this could mean that the payment is still applied to your old account. Please ensure there will be sufficient funds available.
If you have an online account at you can request to change your address through your online account, alternatively let us know by calling us on 0344 736 0539. You will also need to contact your broker to confirm your new address details with them.
You can request to change your bank account details through your online account. Alternatively, let us know by calling us on 0344 736 0539.
If you have an online account at you can request to change your address through your online account, alternatively let us know by calling us on 0344 736 0539.
You will also need to contact your broker to confirm your new address details with them.
You can request to change your bank account details through your online account. Alternatively, let us know by calling us on 0344 736 0539.
If you have forgotten your password to your Premium Credit online account, please select I've forgotten my password when logging in.
To discuss making a change to your payment date, please call us on 0344 736 0539, confirming the date that you would like to change the payments to. Please note that there maybe be a £5 charge for this service.
To make a missed payment please call us on 0344 736 0539.
Details of your monthly payments are set out in the correspondence we would have sent you. You can also register and log in to your online account to see your monthly payment amounts.
The first collection date and a schedule of all payments can be found in your welcome letter, and on your online account.
The default charge becomes due once the default occurs, and this needs to be paid at the same time as the defaulted payment.
We report any missed payments to Equifax, a credit reference agency (CRA). This may affect a customer's credit rating if they miss a payment.
If your payment should reject at your bank, we will normally reapply to your account between 6-10 working days later along with any applicable late payment fee. If our second attempt should also reject, you will need to contact us to arrange a card payment for your arrears. We will write to you to advise when payment of your arrears is required by to avoid cancellation of your agreement.
Should you fail to pay your arrears in time we will cancel your credit agreement with us. This may mean that your broker will cancel your policy or service. If your payment should reject due to an issue with your Direct Debit Mandate, we may not reapply for payment. In this instance we will write to you requesting you contact us to make payment for your arrears and rectify the issue. Our letter will confirm when this action is required by.
A default charge is applied every time a scheduled payment is either rejected by Direct Debit or is not made by the agreed payment date.
If you would like to pay the full amount owing on your agreement you can call us directly on 0344 736 0539 and we will debit the amount by card payment over the phone. There is no additional charge applied for paying the agreement in full. Please note that we would be unable to take a card payment within 3 working days of a scheduled Direct Debit.
If you are unable to make a payment on your scheduled payment date, please call us on 0344 736 0539 to discuss your options.
Here at Premium Credit, we are required to advise your bank 3 working days in advance of a payment date. Once we have advised them of this, we are unable to stop the attempt at payment.
As it takes 3 working days for the bank to confirm to us that your payment has cleared or declined, we will not know the outcome of the attempt at payment until then. If you would like to confirm the status of the payment it is best to contact your bank to check the outcome of the payment.
The first payment date may have been delayed due to the agreement being setup later than expected. Your first payment will be shown in your welcome letter.
Please contact us directly on 0344 736 0539 as soon as possible, to discuss your options for making a payment.
If we have advised you of a new transaction under your credit agreement, this would have been setup by your insurance provider. You will need to contact them directly to discuss cancelling the policy renewal and let us know by calling us on 0344 736 0539.
If you do not wish to use your credit agreement to finance your renewed insurance policy, please then let us know by calling us on 0344 736 0539.
If you already have an online account and you have a new Credit Agreement you wish to add, simply login to your online account and select Add Agreement. Please note that commercial customers are currently unable to add renewals.
Please make sure you have your Credit Agreement reference number (beginning with a C or D). This can be found on your welcome letter or on any letters and emails we have sent you.
To see what you can do online, visit Online Account Features.
Yes, you can. But you will need to be registered first. Once you have registered, to add an agreement to an existing online account, you will need select Add Agreement and follow the steps. For help with adding an agreement, visit Can I add an agreement to an existing account?
We will renew the transaction to finance your policy or service only if your broker/arranger tells us to. If we renew the transaction under your credit agreement, then we will write to you to tell you this. If you want to withdraw from the transaction, then you or your broker must notify us within 7 days of that notification.
A facility fee is a fee that is applied for setting up the credit agreement. This is a one-off fee which is collected with your first payment.
When there is a change made to the amounts that we are due to debit, there would be a transaction fee applied. This is outlined in Section B of the credit agreement and is specified in the letter sent to you to confirm the change.
When there is a change made to the amounts that we are due to debit, there would be a transaction fee applied to some changes on the agreement. This is outlined in Section B of the credit agreement and is specified in the letter sent to you to confirm the change.
If you would like to cancel your credit agreement, then please let us know by calling us on 0344 736 0539.
You will also need to contact your broker directly to discuss alternative means of paying for your policy and to let them know you are cancelling your credit agreement.
Premium Credit is the finance provider for your credit, and we need you to sign our credit agreement. Please take the time to read and understand the terms and conditions of the credit agreement.
You have arranged a policy with your provider/arranger, but your credit agreement to finance your premium is with Premium credit. Your insurance or fees policy will continue to be administered entirely by your provider/arranger, and any questions that you have relating to the policy will need to be referred to them.
Yes, you can use your mobile phone or tablet to access your online account. However, to view some of our correspondence online you will need Adobe Reader and some smartphones and tablets are unable to support this.
If you have an online Premium Credit account, this will advise you if there are any Credit Agreements that are currently registered and require signing. If a signature is required, a Sign Credit Agreement icon will appear next to your Agreement. If this is not shown, there is no action required.
To sign your Agreement, simply select Sign Credit Agreement and follow the steps. For help signing, visit: How do I sign my credit agreement?
You can now sign your Credit Agreement online without registering by using our new and improved customer portal. Simply select Sign Up to sign your Credit Agreement and register online.
To see what you can do online, see Online Account Features.
You can now sign your Credit Agreement online without registering using our new and improved Premium Credit online portal. Please enter your Premium Credit reference number and follow the steps.
If you have a Premium Credit online account, simply login and then you will be prompted to sign your Credit Agreement if a signature is required.
Your Credit Agreement will be displayed in PDF form on the signing page. Here, you can review the details of the agreement before signing. If you are satisfied with the agreement and have read the terms and conditions in the link below the agreement, click the checkbox and submit your signature.
The webpage will inform you if the signing process was successful.
To make a request for information or to enquire about the Data Protection Act, contact:
The Data Protection Officer
Premium Credit Limited,
Ermyn House, Ermyn Way,
Leatherhead, Surrey
KT22 8UX
To make a request for information or to enquire about the Data Protection Act, contact:
The Data Protection Officer
Premium Credit Limited,
Ermyn House, Ermyn Way,
Leatherhead, Surrey
KT22 8UX
Please call 0344 736 0539 to speak to us.
This will direct you to an automated security system for which you will need the following 3 pieces of information:
• Your credit agreement reference number
• Your date of birth and postcode
• Your bank's sort code
Our opening hours are Monday - Friday, 8am - 6pm excluding bank holidays.
Premium Credit is the No.1 insurance premium finance company in the UK and Ireland.
We provide the finance to pay annual fees such as accountancy and school fees. We enable our customers to spread the cost of their insurance or annual fees by paying in smaller and more convenient regular instalments. We support over 3,000 intermediaries in our chosen markets and in 2017 helped over 2.2 million customers.
If you have a complaint, please call us on 0344 736 0047 or email . Alternatively, you can write to us at: Quality Control, Premium Credit Limited, Ermyn House, Ermyn Way, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8UX. We have procedures in place to handle your complaint fairly and quickly.
If after receiving our final response you are not satisfied with the outcome and you are not a business you can write to the Financial Ombudsman, the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme for Premium Credit at The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR. If you are a business you may still have the right to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service, please see their website for more details:
Alternatively, if you are a consumer (an individual who purchased the service for personal use) you can access the European Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform that allows consumers to submit their complaint to a central site, which will forward it to the appropriate dispute resolution service. For Premium Credit this is the Financial Ombudsman Service, who you can access directly on the details above or you can access the ODR platform by visiting:
In order to contact the provider who setup your service, you will need to refer to the paperwork that was provided by them when the service was taken up.
We finance the payments for your insurance. If you need to make a claim you will have to speak to your insurer rather than ourselves.
As Premium Credit are a separate company to your broker/arranger you will need to contact them directly to confirm exactly what the insurance policy covers you for.
You can find the name of your broker/service provider on the first page of our welcome letters and emails.