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Premium Credit appoints CISO

Brokers / 1st August

Graeme Penwarden has been appointed as Premium Credit's Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to oversee the implementation of a market leading Cyber Programme.

Following considerable investment in technology, this initiative will further strengthen Premium Credit's security and ensure the smooth operation and delivery of premium finance to more than 3000 intermediary partners. Graeme's appointment is seen as key to overseeing the programme's continuing application.

Graeme has over thirty years' experience across multiple technology disciplines and will report directly to Premium Credit's Chief Information Officer, Duncan Gray. Graeme has spent two-thirds of his career in the financial services sector undertaking senior IT security roles, including M&G, Prudential and Deutsche Bank.

Graeme's main responsibilities will include management of an extensive third party Security Operations Centre (SOC), that will provide greater monitoring and alert resources; managing investment in keeping Premium Credit's estate current with the relevant hardware and implementation of software upgrades and to ensure the right security and support is in place.

The new CISO wil be supported by Premium Credit's dedicated IT security team who will ensure robust "Back-up" capability and resilience. Together the team will work with external partners to complete quarterly reviews that provide independent assurance that changes implemented, deliver the required outcome.

Graeme will be tasked with retaining all the relevant certifications achieved in Q4 2018, including PCI, ISO 27001 ISMS and Cyber Essentials Plus, and oversee continued investment in Premium Credit staff training on cyber security. He will also review and strengthen policies and procedures where necessary.

Duncan Gray, Premium Credit's Chief Information Officer commented: "Graeme is a significant appointment with his remit helping to differentiate us from competitors in regards to cyber security. Not only will he ensure best practice within Premium Credit's operation, but will provide expert guidance for our intermediary partners as a subject matter expert and trusted advisor. Our aim is to always provide the best premium finance options to brokers in the safest operating environment."

Graeme is a significant appointment with his remit helping us to differentiate us from competitors in regard to cyber security. Not only will he ensure best practice within Premium Credit's operation, but will provide expert guidance for our intermediary partners as a subject matter expert and trusted advisor.
Duncan Gray, Chief Information Officer, Premium Credit