Lifeline for football and rugby club fans

Brokers / 29th May

Premium Credit offers football and rugby clubs monthly payment options for season tickets.

Premium Credit is reaching out to football and rugby clubs around the UK to ensure they still have a finance option for supporters to pay for their season tickets following Zebra Finance's recent suspension of new lending.

Premium Credit, best known as the the UK and Ireland's number 1 insurance premium finance provider is also a long established player in season ticket financing. The credit provider is highlighting its ability to provide a tailored option for football and rugby clubs to offer this alternative payment method for season tickets. 

At a time when season ticket renewals are in full swing this is a critical time for clubs to secure revenue. Any interruption in this process could potentially disrupt financial performance for clubs in the 2019/2020 season. Likewise, fans who are in the process of renewing season tickets or looking to secure a seat for the first time, may have been counting on a finance option which they could sign up to and repay over time - Premium Credit provides this service and is expecting to speak with increasing numbers of clubs.

Premium Credit provides season ticket financing for a range of clubs including Liverpool, Everton, Rangers, Nottingham Forest, Wasps, Bath and Saracens with others signing up daily.

Chloe (21), an amateur player, referee and Nottingham Forest season ticket holder said: "I live and breathe football. I'd do all I could to renew my season ticket, but it's a big financial outlay for me as a student. It's good to know there are financing options from a specialist company out there for those who'd prefer to pay in more affordable instalments."

Tom Woolgrove, Premium Credit's CEO commented: "The purchase of a season ticket is a significant outlay for most, but one that hundreds of thousands will be prepared to make once again this year. Paying for a season ticket over a number of months is an attractive option and Premium Credit will welcome applications from supporters around the country wishing to pay for their season tickets in this way."

Clubs wishing to set up a payment scheme for supporters can call 01372 746 073

Chloe Ring, Nottingham Forest season ticket holder
Paying for a season ticket over a number of months is an attractive option and Premium Credit will welcome applications from supporters around the country wishing to pay for their season tickets in this way.
Tom Woolgrove, Chief Executive, Premium Credit