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Premium Credit Insurance Index

Our market leading research monitors insurance buying and how it is financed to commercial and personal lines customers enabling you to have clearer understanding of the market.

Premium Credit Insurance Index

A closer look into insurance buying of personal, SME and Corporate customers

Now in its fifth year, the Index provides our partners with much needed insight into the economy and the impact it is having on personal, SME and Corporate customers from across the UK. The specific issues we examine are:

  • How credit is being used to pay for insurance
  • Financial pressure experienced
  • Shopping around for insurance
  • Attitudes to paying for insurance on credit
  • Late payments of invoices for SMEs
  • SME optimism

These findings will aid your client meetings and support your premium finance offer.

If you’d like to discuss how premium finance can help you grow your business, please contact our team of Account Managers.

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View the latest issue